Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society

CARS Meetings: Oct - Dec 2022

October Meeting
Tuesday 4th Oct 2022, 7:30pm
Danbury Village Hall
By CARS Members

The CARS AGM was held on Tuesday 4th October at Danbury Village Hall. There were 15 people there; all the committee and 8 club members. The good news is that subs have been held at just £5/pa and are now due

Under AoB, we were pleased to that our president, Tony G4YTG was made an honorary life member of the club after many years of service. Colin G0TRM stood down as secretary after 26 years of hard work. The club finances and equipment assets were reported to be in a good state. This report and the AGM slides which include Officers reports will appear on the club web site in due course.

Disappointingly, despite previous requests, there were no new volunteers to join the committee or to fill the critical secretarial role. The remainder of the committee was re-elected unopposed..

As communicated to members by email/newsletter, a discussion and vote for constitution changes was held to reduce the quorum level for the number of committee members required for the club to operate, and to amend the rules to clarify the requirements to call an EGM and terminate the club should that become necessary. The changes to the constitution were unanimously agreed.

It’s not too late to step forward and volunteer to become a co-opted member of the committee...

Please come forward and volunteer to be a co-opted member of the committee and play a valuable role in our future and for our members - there are funds and assets to support your ideas!

Since the AGM, a revised programme has been developed. Information about future events will appear in the newsletter and on the web site.


CARS Committee

November Meeting
Tue 1-Nov-2022, 7.30-9pm
Danbury Vilage Hall
"Marconi HR110 HF Receiver"
Andy Tyler G1GKN

For November, Andy Tyler G1GKN gave a well-attended talk at Danbury on the restoration and demo of the rare and pioneering Marconi HR110 wideband MF/HF Receiver - 0.5-30 Mc/s in five bands.

At the end of WW2 many well-known but quite large war surplus sets were about such as the RCA AR88, National HRO, Marconi CR110, R1155 etc. By the early 1950s newer models from Colins and Racal were also appearing, so Marconi developed something far more compact, yet good capability - the HR110

It is believed that only 10 or so were produced, as it did not go into production - so it's a great opportunity to see this rare pioneering design. Andy's restoration work had addressed some very aged resistors and reforming capacitors, helped by an original manual. After a lot of careful work, it almost worked first time (stopped by a simple fault). We were able to have a live reception demo and admire the way the band and tuning scales worked/turned.

So why didn’t such a lovely compact design catch on?

Andy explained that the heavier rivals had far more accurate tuning and stable local oscillators; and could cope with RTTY as well as Voice/CW without changes - winning them Royal Navy orders

Still pretty impressive though - inc its restoration story - Our thanks to Andy!

Andy G1GKN with an HR110 Receiver

HR110 Internals, from the manual

HR110 Receiver rear label

HR110 Power Supply rear label

December Meeting
Tue 6-Dec-2022, 7.30-9pm
Danbury Village Hall
"Xmas Social"
By CARS Members

For this seasonal time of year CARS members, other amateurs/clubs and prospective trainees were welcomed to join us for our Xmas Social at Danbury.

For the last few years we have been unable to hold such gatherings due to Covid, so this was a great chance to make up for it! Our volunteer had acquired special raffle prizes, were busy in the recently refurbished kitchen and we had Xmas lights and a seasonal quiz.

A great evening all round - thanks all !

CARS were joined by EssexCW and Braintree members

John M0JOC warming nibbles up!

A great social occasion

President Tony G4YTG on keyboard

Some of the Xmas Raffle prizes - Thanks to Andy G0IBN for organising these

CARS were joined by EssexCW and Braintree members

John M0JOC warming nibbles up!

A great social occasion

President Tony G4YTG on keyboard

Xmas Raffle Prizes

Thanks to Andy G0IBN for organising the prizes

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